CPE Credits

Receiving CPE Credit for Your Webcast Participation

To receive Continuing Professional Education credit for attending an Equity Methods webcast, you must participate as follows.

You must be registered for the webcast under your own name and join using your personal webcast link for your participation to be properly credited to you.

For programs with polling questions:

  • Answer “yes” to “Would you like to receive CPE credit for attending this webcast?”
  • View the entire original live webcast
  • Answer all polling questions when prompted to do so

For programs using “magic words”:

  • Throughout the program, type all “magic words” in the chat box when prompted to do so
  • View the entire original live webcast

We ask that you complete the post-webcast, NASBA-mandated quality survey.

Distribution of CPE Certificates

CPE certificates for webcast attendees who have satisfied credit requirements are distributed via email approximately 1 week after the webcast date. If you believe you have met the requirements for credit but have not received your certificate after 1 week, please email bethany.plapp@equitymethods.com.

Please note that we cannot send CPE certificates to email addresses that have been unsubscribed from our mailing list. If you have earned CPE but have unsubscribed the email address you used to register for the webcast, please email bethany.plapp@equitymethods.com and provide an alternate email address to receive your certificate.

Relevant Details About Equity Methods CPE Events

Credit: one CPE hour unless otherwise specified
Cost: free*
Program length: 60 minutes total or as specified
Required attendance: minimum of 50 minutes per credit hour
Required polling questions or “magic words”: 3 or more per credit hour
Program knowledge level: Overview, or as specified
Field of study: please see the registration page for each event
Delivery method: group internet-based (via GoToWebinar or similar technology)
Registration: available through our website as programs are offered
Cancellation policy: no cancellation is required if you are unable to attend
Advance preparation: none required
Prerequisites: none required

Unless otherwise specified, our webcasts are suitable for financial reporting and equity compensation professionals at all levels.

*NASBA disclosure: Due to the webcast series being offered free of charge, there will be no refunds issued.  

Important Note

Unfortunately, CPE credit cannot be granted if technical difficulties arise that prevent you from completing the credit requirements. CPE program sponsorship guidelines prohibit us from awarding CPE credit to participants not verified by the technology to have satisfied the attendance and participation requirements listed above.

National Registry of CPE Sponsors Statement

Equity Methods CPE CreditEquity Methods is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

Equity Methods’ National Registry Sponsor ID Number is 111637.

Please direct any comments, suggestions, or complaints to:

Bethany Plapp

Meet Our Experts

Bethany Plapp

Operations Manager

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