Equity Methods President & CEO Takis Makridis is quoted in Agenda, the Financial Times’ news service for corporate boards.

In her article, “‘Scramble Mode’—Tool Aims to Ease Comp Rule Calculations,” Amanda Gerut covers the new tool that Equity Methods and Equilar introduced to help companies estimate pro forma values for market-based performance awards. Additional fair value disclosures are required under the SEC’s new pay vs. performance rule.

“The simulator can provide ongoing information for boards that want to continually monitor the status of performance grants without the need to continually bring in a third-party firm to conduct extensive valuation calculations,” Amanda writes.

In the article, Takis highlights the importance of boards keeping tabs on the value of performance grants. “These numbers can and will move quarter after quarter,” he points out. The new tool “describes the ebb and flow in value of the in-flight awards, so boards can see how that value is evolving throughout the year.”

The article goes on to note that companies are in “scramble mode” to produce figures that show how the compensation actually paid, or CAP, table is shaping up ahead of final disclosures in the proxy statement.