Join Equity Methods at the NASPP Virtual Conference!

From wherever you are and via an interactive digital learning platform, you’ll get valuable guidance from the authorities on all aspects of stock compensation, from legal and compliance to administration, accounting, and more.

The Equity Methods lineup is below. All sessions will take place live, with on-demand playback available all September.

Quarterly and Annual Disclosures: From Basics to Advanced with Boxian Kolb

Tuesday, September 1 at 12:45 – 1:30 p.m. EDT

Join us as we review the Form 10-K and proxy disclosures that relate to stock compensation. We will start with the basic requirements of the roll-forward tables in the 10-K and move into the Summary Compensation Table and other common equity tables. Along the way, we’ll address how to disclose corporate transactions and modifications and provide practical pointers for disclosure of performance awards.

The ABC’s of Getting ESG into Your Incentive Awards with Josh Schaeffer

Thursday, September 3 at 12:00 – 12:45 p.m. EDT

Investors are urging companies to build environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their long-term strategy, bringing this topic up during engagements and in shareholder proposals. This pressure is only going to increase in the wake of COVID-19! From award design to accounting and disclosure, this panel will offer a practical guide for incorporating ESG into the design of performance awards.

Nuances and Complexities in Performance Awards with Raenelle James

Wednesday, September 9 at 12:00 – 12:45 p.m. EDT

Delve into the details of valuation and financial reporting for complex performance awards. This session will examine the expense amortization, EPS, and disclosure requirements for awards with staggered performance periods, derived service periods, independent and interdependent performance metrics, and other sophisticated features.

Ask the Expert Group Discussion: Financial Reporting for Stock Compensation with Boxian Kolb

Wednesday, September 9 at 1:00 – 1:30 p.m. EDT

Guided group discussion led by a domain expert.

5 Critical TSR Implementation Mistakes to Avoid During Periods of Market Volatility with Nathan O’Connor

Wednesday, September 9 at 1:45 – 2:15 p.m. EDT

TSR awards have long resided at the top of performance award popularity polls. But just because these awards have been done before doesn’t mean they’re easy or automatic. Even in 2020, we’ve seen missteps and pitfalls–or at least near-misses–when companies issue TSR awards for the first time or overhaul their plans. In this session, we will unpack the 5 most common mistakes that companies can all too easily make when implementing these awards for the first time. Whether it’s in the design itself, the agreement drafting, setting shares and issuing, or driving post-grant engagement, there are many decisions that need to be navigated just right in order for a new implementation to succeed.

How Is Your Performance Plan Performing When It’s Supposed to Stay at Home? with Alec Katric

Wednesday, September 9 at 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. EDT

Join us for a look at performance metrics, 2020 trends, and reminders on how to best “Stay the Course”. We’ll focus on payout estimates over the last several months, changes we’ve seen in performance plans this year, and how to position your plan to motivate your employees. We also welcome your experience and encourage attendees to share how they have changed their performance plans in recent months.